Nice to meet you
I started to be a baker 7 years ago, I’ve been trained by the bests chefs in France, braved many storms in order to excel and innovate in the baking industry.
Now as a Master Baker in the United States of America, I’m happy to share my knowledges with the aim of making you a talented chef.
Why am I doing this ? Simply because i’m so passionate and I want to create a strong connection with those who supports me in my trip.

Nice to meet you
I started to be a baker 7 years ago, I’ve been trained by the bests chefs in France, braved many storms in order to excel and innovate in the baking industry.
Now as a Master Baker in the United States of America, I’m happy to share my knowledges with the aim of making you a talented chef.
Why am I doing this ? Simply because i’m so passionate and after years of learning and observations, I would like today to level-up the baking culture by bringing new ideas on the table and creating new trends !

Do you need recipes to inspire your customers? Do you need a specific training about certain product ? you have an upcoming event ? You want to develop a new range of trendy product ? You would like to update your actual production but don’t know where to ask ?
Follow me for more

Chapter 1 : Wake-up call

Back in 2013, I will remember all my life that Sunday morning, waking up with an ardent desire of a croissant. I was passing a degree in Marketing & Accounting at Rosemont College, in Montreal, Canada at the time.
I decided then to walk along the streets, having a hard time to find a traditional artisan bakery that I used to find back in France. Croissant quest done, on my way back home I had only one thing in mind : making good croissants in North America would be a recipe of success.
Chapter 2 : life changing
I came back in France, finished my marketing program and started to apply to The French Baking School of Aurillac, chaired by Christian Vabret, Meilleur Ouvrier de France 1986 (Best Craftsmen of France).
I started my baking experience, 6 intense months, the first couple woke-up at 3am were kind of difficult, I’m not going to lie. But finally learning to work with my hands, creating food from scratch…
All of this was the best feeling of accomplishment I’ve ever had. Every new day was one step closer to my dream. After these 6 months, I successfully passed my first degree : Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle.

That’s official, I was a Baker ! I couldn’t believe it. But that was only the first step of a long journey….
Chapter 3 : Intense Learning

I had to shape thousands and thousands of baguettes by hand before reaching the consistency above.
I pursued my apprenticeship in order to enhance my skills.
That was probably the hardest part of my life. The working pace was intense, double shifts everyday, 2 days off per months, 80 hours a week, working on weekends and holidays.. I used to hate the Christmas holiday season..
Eventually the hard work paid off, I ended up being valedictorian this year (2017). And won a regional Bread contest at “La Foire Gastronomique” in Dijon, France.
One step closer to North America ! My secrets ? Picking the best teachers and mentors:
- Sebastien Chevallier, M.O.F. 2011.
- Alexandre Figard, Baking French Champion 2011,
I continued my learning trip two more years and passed my Master Degree with the highest result of the promotion. I knew that this was going to be my free-pass for North America.
Chapter 3 : Intense Learning
It took one message on Instagram and a whole year dealing with the American embassy to prepare all the documents for my transition from Europe to America. And that’s it… not to mention all the efforts put for creating this opportunity.
From the kid craving for a croissant on a Sunday morning to a Baker in the United States of America, 7 years of dedication later, here I am, I made it!
Now It’s been two years I’m having the pleasure to develop this website in order to share my knowledges as much as I can and in addition, I’m spending some of my free time sharing my passion with kids.
Looking forward to see what tomorrow may bring…
Dear friends, thanks for reading me, Don’t forget to subscribe to my Newsletter for more updates! See you around!!

Chapter 3 : Intense learning
I could have stopped my learning there, but I pursued my apprenticeship in order to enhance my skills.
That was a difficult part of my life. The working pace was intense, double shifts everyday, 2 days off a month, 80 hours a week, working on weekends and holidays.. Yeah.. I used to hate Christmas season..
That hard work paid off, I ended up being valedictorian this year (2017). And won a regional Bread contest.

One step closer to North America ! My secrets ? Picking the best teachers :
I was working in Alexandre Figard‘s bakery, Baking French Champion 2011, and my teacher at school was Sebastien Chevallier, M.O.F. 2011.
I continued my learning trip two more years and passed my Master’s degree and ended up being Valedictorian again. I knew that was going to be my free-pass for North America.
Chapter 4 : New challenges
It took one message on Instagram and a whole year dealing with the American embassy to prepare all the documents for my transition from Europe to America. And that’s it… not to mention all the efforts put for creating this opportunity.
From the kid craving for a croissant on a Sunday morning to a Baker in the United States of America, 7 years of dedication later, here I am, I made it!

Now It’s been two years I’m having the pleasure to develop this website in order to share my knowledges as much as I can and in addition, I’m spending some of my free time sharing my passion with kids.
Looking forward to see what tomorrow may bring…
Dear friends, thanks for reading me,
See you around !

Sharing is one thing I value a lot, as often as I can I’m trying to help and make that world a better place to live. Since the young age I’ve always been surrounded by those strong values.
I’ve been a boyscout for over 7 years, and that would be a perfect exemple to illustrate this. Scouts are driven by cohesion, mutual support and fraternity.

When I was 18, a friend and I crossed France by bike in order to raise funds for « l’œuvre des pupilles orphelins des sapeurs pompiers ». 600 miles, a lot of smiles and adventures. Or Christmas 2021, I’ve decided to bake 400 cookies and give them away to our Chicagoan living in the streets..
Every year I’m trying to associate my passions together not only for my own sake, but to help others as well so stay tuned, who knows what’s going to be my next adventure, maybe you’ll be able to actively participate with me !

Sharing is one thing I value a lot, as often as I can I’m trying to help and make that world a better place to live. Since the young age I’ve always been surrounded by those strong values.
I’ve been a boyscout for over 7 years, and that would be a perfect exemple to illustrate this. Scouts are driven by cohesion, mutual support and fraternity.

When I was 18, a friend and I crossed France by bike in order to raise funds for « l’œuvre des pupilles orphelins des sapeurs pompiers ». 600 miles, a lot of smiles and adventures. Or Christmas 2021, I’ve decided to bake 400 cookies and give them away to our homeless here in Chicago.
Every year I’m trying to associate my passions together not only for my own sake, but to help others as well so stay tuned, who knows what’s going to be my next adventure, maybe you’ll be able to actively participate with me !
Music making

In addition to baking, music has been and still is a great thing in my life that allows me to balance my energy. Mostly self-taught, I became very passionate over the years and now I’m able to create music on a professional scale through my music studio.
If no guidelines, I like to leave my creativity speaking my mind, it could be a wide range of variety such as classical, hip-hop or even EDM.. I’m obivously happy to work with you on specific projects, either to come along your video projects, or for your social medias etc.. that could be anything that requires a musical background.
I’ve already had the pleasure to work on different projects like those, so don’t hesitate to reach me out !

In addition to baking, music has been and still is a great thing in my life that allows me to balance my energy. Moslty self-taught, I became very passionate over the years and now I’m able to create music on a professional scale through my music studio.
If no guidelines, I like to leave my creativity speaking my mind, it could be a wide range of variety such as classical, hip-hop or even EDM.. I’m obivously happy to work with you on specific projects, either to come along your video projects, or for your social medias etc.. that could be anything that requires a musical background.
I’ve already had the pleasure to work on different projects like those, so don’t hesitate to reach me out !